Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day Two 2-11-2009

Well today started early, or should i say, is a continuation of yesterday. Julia got about 3 hours of sleep, i got about 2. The nurses were in every 3 hours for blood pressure readings. Lab came down at 6 am to draw some more blood. Julia's blood pressure is a little lower then yesterday but not low enough. She is also a little shaky, could be the magnesium causing that, we'll see. Julia and I keep talking about the possibility of a very early birth and weighing the positives and negatives of that. Bottom line, its the doctor's decsion but so far getting a timeline out of them had been nearly impossible. The nurse at ISJ thought just overnight, Once we got to Abbott, the attitude seemed to switch to, your here until the end. We both just want a straight answer, and maybe they can't give us one because they don't know when the baby is coming.

UPDATE....7:38 PM

Wow. Finally a quiet moment. It was nice to see Mom and Dad Fischer, Jake, Alissa, and Melissa today. Im going to try and keep this short, Julia completed the 24 hr urine collection which is suppose to tell how much protein is in the urine. We got the test results back and she had 13 grams of protein. I think the nurse/doctor/specialists/team said that a normal person had only a trace amount. They ran additional lab work right away. They came back normal, as in they werent progressing. Right now we are taking it 24 hours at a time but at any minute, Julia's health could start failing, and at that time they would need to start operating/inducing. All the prayers and wishes are getting both of us through this, so thanks everyone for that. We are currently on the 6th floor of the main west at Abbott.

1 comment:

  1. Julia, Alan and baby Strand - Our hearts and prayers go out to all of you in this time.
    If there is anything else that you may need, let us know. We love you and stay positive!
    Sarah and Chad Mills
